SCHEDULE DETAILS Information of Event Schedules

World is committed to making participation in the event a harassment free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression

09:30 – 10:00

Registration and Networking

10:00 - 13:00

Niesl Bosma

Presentations related to the Call for Abstracts

GEM longitudinal research studies and studies related to leveraging GEM research through AI/Machine Learning

Location: Auditorium Baroja

10:00 - 12:00

Training workshops by the GEM Global Data Team

For new National Teams or teams requiring a refresher session

08:30 – 09:00


09:00 - 09:40

Institutional Welcome


Launch Introduction

The impact of 25 years of GEM

09:00 - 09:15

Introduction and GEM-GERA Board Governance Update

09:15 - 09:30

Q&A – Points of Clarification

09:30 - 10:00

GEM Strategy Update

HURRY UP! Book your Seat


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